Dear Sir (or maybe Madam):
I was watching the State High School Hockey Tournament on Wednesday night and could not help but notice the uniforms your team showed up with:
Purple and Gold, nice touch.
3 line stripe theme along the bottom and sleeve, nice touch
Eagle on the chest, nice touch
Here's where the uni takes a major left turn:
Above the stripes you have a Crown and Flame theme going on...not sure there, but it gets worse.
Below the stripe in White is "Lourdes" in block style type, you're losing me here
With all of this purple and yellow and crowns, and eagles the team tops off the color confusion with Royal blue breezers (for my friends outside of MN and still reading this, which is probably no one, a breezer is the padded shorts thing hockey players wear)!
And to top it off, the squad was sporting White helmets!!
In summary: purple, yellow, eagle, royal blue, crowns and flames, and "Lourdes" on the front. I did a search for a picture to re-live my nightmare and thankfully nothing is published within the first 3 pages of a google search.
Here's a suggestion: Purple Helmets, Purple Breezers and go old school with the Eagles (or Lourdes) plus player # on the front. Of course add the string tie-up on the collar. The Purple Helmet and Purple Breezer makes your White uni much better as well.
Better luck on next year's edition....its safe to say that they won't last past this year's tournament.
With Regards,
Tony Zosel
Uniform Police