
Thursday, May 13, 2010

My new favorite team

Montreal Canadiens....holy smokes they beat the Caps, now they beat the Pens. I'm sure they are scratching their names on Lord Stanley as we speak in Montreal.

I can just hear some scratchy voiced rube on Montreal sports talk radio (insert Jacque Lemaire voice)...itz onlee a maddir of time beefore we win anudder one....geux habs!

I'm heartbroken on the Pens defeat...was cheering for Gologoski and Leopold, but still holding a grudge against Sid for the Olympics.

What's left:

San Jose: Nope (nice team....they have 2 too many ex Badgers to like them)
Chicago: Nope (I still see Al Secord when I see that sweater)
Philly & Philly : Nope (no reason, their teams just don't have that star)

Normally I don't cheer for the Frogs, but if you beat the 2 best teams in the East you deserve a little love.


Anonymous said...

BOOOOOOOOOO!!! GO FLYERS!!! They don't need a star, they do it by committee. Plus they have one of the greatest defensive men to ever put on the skates in Pronger. One of the greatest comebacks in NHL playoff history. A team who made the playoffs on the last day of the season by winning a shootout. And they are just now hitting their stride. Destiny shall shine on the Broad Street bullies again! Be very afraid my friends.

Tony Zosel said...

The beauty of anonymous...I have no idea who this is.

My only guess is PatO, but PatO usually signs off on his posts.