
Monday, March 15, 2010


I retract any and all remarks I made about the Gopher BB team in my last post. They manned up and won games they weren't supposed to. Go Gophers, beat Xavier.

Let me be the first to reiterate...."Fire Don Lucia." His time has come. Repeat, our team should never be on the road in the first round of the WCHA playoffs, ever. We've been on the road 2 of the last 3 years.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jake Zosel turns 10

My son Jake turns 10 today. Thought I'd write out a quick list of his top 10 sports/athletic moments:

10. Shooting hoops on the mini hoop at 18 months (every night after work)....Dad made him a little 3 point line. By age 2 he had mastered the crowd noise (haaaaaaaaaaaa).
9. Swimming lessons at Foss/Chanhassen. Most times Jake couldn't resist that warm pool. With no formal training Jake would just run and jump in, forcing Dad to frantically jump in after him.
8. Swimming at LTF at a very young age, Dad gets Jake dressed first (as any good parent would do) and then proceeds to "run away" from Dad (while Dad hastily getting dressed) into the health club all alone!!!!!
7. After an entire Summer of trying, Jake finally hits the wiffle ball over the Brown Monsta in our back yard at age 3.
6. Jake plays on his first hockey team at age 4...he falls asleep on the way to the rink every time.
5. As a kindergartner, Jake plays on a 1st and 2nd grade baseball team that goes to the City Championship at Kent Hrbek Field.
4. 2 year later, despite losing big in the City Championship Game, Jake hits a loooooooooooooooong home run ball...if it weren't for the fence that ball still might be rolling.
3. Jake scores the winning goal in the final game of the Bloomington Jamboree versus Kennedy.
2. The only 9 year old selected to the August Classic Baseball team, Jake's team wins 1st place!
1. Jake has 3 long TD catches in one half versus the other undefeated team en route to a 37-0 victory.