
Monday, April 4, 2011

Barry Sanders or Deion Sanders, which one are you?

The age old question, do you jump around like a fool and celebrate because it may be your last time scoring or do you act like you've been there before?

Barry Sanders was my favorite football player. Supremely talented, exciting to watch, but most memorable was how he celebrated a TD.  He handed the ball to the referee. Deion Sanders was also supremely talented and exciting to watch.  However, his celebrations of success were epic.  Pretty sure they made rules against celebration because of "Neon" Deion.

Even the most casual sports' fans would know the difference between the two.  And most, if asked, would say they are most like Barry.  Barry is what everyone aspires to be (talented, classy, and very humble).  Deion on the other hand, was a punk.  In case your memory has faded, watch what he did to Tim McGarver during a post game celebration for proof (Click Here).  He took his amazing gift and flaunted it...flaunting to the point whereby most couldn't stand him and they couldn't wait until he was out of the limelight.

Okay....I'm not breaking new ground here on Barry versus Deion.  But my point is simple, we can all spot a great guy pretty quickly and we definitely know a punk in a hurry. But for all the times we help a little old lady across the street, we probably have done a TD dance in a meaningless intramural football game, or worn a jersey that says, "Excuse Me" on the back (i.e. me).

So, next time you see someone celebrate victory, a TD, or a goal and you don't like it.  Here are some things to remember:

1. Think about all of your victory celebrations and success... chances are good your opponent saw Deion in you not Barry.

2. Appreciate it.  That athlete or team worked their tail/s off, congratulations.

3. If you don't like it or can't possibly appreciate it, stop 'em next time and quit your whining (i.e. work harder).

4. The sports' God's always get even on guys like Deion (or Tiger).

5. Finally, if you act like a clown, you'll be remembered as a clown.

Thank you Barry Sanders for your great example.

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